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Chris Lawrence
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Chris Lawrence has lived in Maine since 1970 and is an avid outdoor and landscape photographer. He is a hunter/gatherer of natural light and spirited adventurer, who has an affinity to colorful and energetic imagery of Maine. Based in Scarborough Maine, Chris can be found shooting images hanging out the door of helicopters, riding the stormy seas in a boat, climbing Maine’s mountains, to chilling by the side of a silent winding river.
“Photography…. For me, it is totally captivating. Give me a camera and I will wander.
I become acutely aware of the natural environment around me. Time becomes irrelevant and infinite;
I lose all concept of it in the vacuum of the lens.
Fascination; my world becomes one of light, colors, movement, angles, and textures.
That moment is totally self-absorbed, for me, and me alone.
The truth, that singular moment is fleeting, yet these universal moments are happening
right now in our lives and our world… everywhere.
Sharing of my photography feels like giving a gift of conveyance to my observers;
the transporting of someone or something from one place to another; Via a singular event caught in time and space.” ~ Chris Lawrence
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My Work
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